From here the movie descends into standard "and then there were none" fashion as each member of the group is dispatched from their life in one way or another....and to be honest, in some cases I couldn't wait for it to happen.
The film doesn't quite make it into my detestable horror list as nothing we witness is not done without reason, I should note however, that their is some allusion to multiple rapes and torture that is implied if not implicitly shown, though most of the violence is not overly gratuitous nor overtly sadistic compared to other horror films. Dying Breed does seem to draw comparison to Wolf Creek, but as Wolf Creek IS on my list of detestable horror films I think these comparisons are quite unjust.
I did not detest Dying Breed. I did not overly enjoy it either, but it does have some redeemable features. The scenery is impressive, the camera work is quite good too, it certainly boasts an ambient soundtrack and made some great use of surround sound, most of the acting is on-par with what you would expect and you can't criticize an actor for being annoying if that is their characters flaw. The story was not altogether bad, but it certainly added nothing new to the genre, which is basically what I would say about the film in general.
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