Well, it has been a very busy week, I have just got back from Uni Review (an annual satirical Theater performance) not sure if I will review it as it's not really in keeping with the theme here, but I also saw Star Trek, and I will give you a sneak peak by telling you that I did quite enjoy that, so expect a review in the next few days.
I am also up to date with Big Bang Theory, Harper's Island, Castle and the last episode of Pushing Daisies, but I shall wait for the new Dollhouse before doing my TV round up.
I am also in the process of re-watching all the Terminator films in anticipation of the new one!

Also this week, I have been inducted into
The LAMB, so I welcome any new readers coming from there and would recommend current readers to check them out for one of the best movie blog resources around!! Big thanks to Dylan for adding me :)
Anyways...lots to do so expect a number of posts in the next few days and enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
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