Ginger Snaps (2000)
A cult favorite of mine, Ginger Snaps was a $5 bargain bin discovery for me. It is certainly not your average werewolf movie. It adheres more to reality than the fiction or myth surrounding such creatures. Ginger and her younger sister Brigette are the "freaks" at their local high school, one evening whilst attempting to get revenge on one of their classmates, Ginger is attacked by "the beast" that is currently stalking their small town. And as if things couldn't get worse, she has just got "The curse", otherwise known as her first period. The film is intelligent, funny and has some good scares. The actors are well cast (my personal highlight was Mimi Rogers as the girls Mother) and the movie has a nice grungy feel to it. Seek it out if you want an entertaining, funny, teen werewolf movie, you won't be disappointed.
Ginger Snaps II (2003)
Following hot on the heels of the first, Ginger Snaps II follows Brigette in the months after her sisters death, haunted by visions of her and stalked by another beast for the purposes of mating. She must battle to control the beast within and learn to face her demons before they take control. Ginger Snaps II takes a more serious view on its subject matter, but still manages to have lighter moments. Bridgette spends most of her days in a womens drug rehab clinic after her use of wolfs bane is perceived as an addiction, little do they know that it keeps the beast at bay and with sources slowly drying up will Brigette be able to stay in control or is all lost?
Ginger Snaps Back (2004)
Certainly an interesting idea, the third film in the series is a prequel that takes us back to colonial days and adds a nice little twist to the already established world of the Fitzgerald sisters. It would seem they are united forever in their pact and will be playing out the same scenario as the years transpire. (assuming of course you believe in reincarnation)
The future of the series.....
No news of any new Ginger Snaps movies...but then they really did address most things in the 3 that exist....
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