Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Make a pilgrimage for the past"

There are a few anime series that I really like. Noir is the series that actually started my fascination with Japanese animation. Thanks to it, I now spend countless hours and dollars to fuel said fascination. Without it though, I may never have found the likes of Studio Ghibli, Studio Bee Train or countless other series and movies. This post is not so much about the series or movies, but the music that accompanies it. Yuki Kaijura is an amazing talent! Her music has been some of the absolute highlights of my score collecting. I own a majority of her releases including her See-Saw work. Today I thought I would return to my posts from last month invloving rare tracks. This is a track from Noir that was performed live at the Anime Expo 2003. I did not record it and I am not actually sure where it came from, but it is a bootleg track.

If you are not familiar with Yuki's music I would strongly recommend looking her up on the tube that is you prior to listening as I don't wish to jade your opinion based on a bootleg recording.

Sorry, No Longer Available to Download

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