Directed By David Bowers
oh dear... I usually refrain from watching these kind of reboots. I have such fond memories of the original series when I watched it back in the day. I would hate to think I would lose that. Sadly, there were not many things I liked about this. The film is missing most of the heart of the original series, it feels very disjointed and is not helped at all by the awful voice casting. I kinda wish I hadn't watched it. I also note that the Blu-ray in Australia is actually in the wrong aspect ratio, so I can't even recommend that!

Directed By Bruce Robinson
Easily one of my favourite films of all time. Withnail and I has received a Blu-ray outing in Australia, and what a fine disc it is too. I had the previous Criterion Collection release of the film and it was pants, this Blu-ray runs rings around it. If you have not seen the film, I cannot recommend it enough, and I guarantee if nothing else, that you will be quoting from it for years to come!

Directed By Jorge Blanco & Javier Abad
Actually better than I was expecting (even more so after having watched Astroboy), I am beginning to take a liking to Sony's new animation front... with this and Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs both exceeding my expectations I shall be watching them closely.

Directed By Jesús Garay
A lovely, but sad tale about self discovery and love. Whilst the timeline can be a little confusing, the acting, script and cinematography are all superb, I was a little let down by the rather abrupt end though.

Directed By Joel Schumacher
One of Joel Schumacher's better efforts, having watched it again I am pleased with how well it stands up to multiple viewings...it did however, make me ask what has happened to Colin Farrell lately?

Directed By Greg Mclean
Not an altogether awful film, I mean there is only so much you can do with this sort of material (basically Jaws with a crocodile), but it does have some decent scares and a few tense moments. With a great cast it is let down mostly by a silly ending....
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