Before I start my review, it is worth pointing out that The Tunnel comes to our screens via "The 135K Project". A company that is intent on changing the way movies are available to downloading criminals (I mean the public). You see, you can legally download The Tunnel for FREE and even in HD!!. In fact it is being released simultaneously on peer-to-peer, cable television, cinema and DVD and whilst this is not an entirely new concept (Steven Soderbergh released his 2005 film Bubble simultaneously on cable, DVD and in theaters), as far as I know it is a first for an Australian feature (add to that the fact that it is free!)

Well actually, yes!
Primarly taking place in the subway tunnels under Sydney, The Tunnel takes us on a retrospective documentary style journey with a news crew who suspect the government of hiding something from the public regarding its plan to create new water recylcing plants in the old tunnel system (a true story in fact). Present are reporter Natasha (Bel DeliĆ”), cameraman Steve (Steve Davis), sound guy "Tangles" (Luke Arnold) and editor and story director Peter (Andy Rodoreda). The foursome illegally enter the tunnel system to uncover the truth about rumors of homeless peoeple disappearing in their depths, they get more than they bargained for.

To download The Tunnel for free simply click here or you can check out the trailer below to see if it will be your cup'o'tea.
*UPDATE* A limited edition Blu-ray release of the Aussie horror flick The Tunnel was released in 2012! You can check the details by visiting their website!
*UPDATE 2 - Feb 2013*
Looks like a sequel is in the works: The Tunnel: Dead End - will post more details as they become available!
this movie is amazing this director should make more movies... theres a start middle and end... these days its just start and end...... love this movie and now i hate the government even more thanks.... fuk the popos too haha! :)
Answered via your page as requested, but for those with similar questions. The Tunnel is a work of fiction. It uses a real location and a number of events relating to the NSW government that are real, but the missing people and monster are fiction.
thanks for the answer from Anamnesis!
i just watched this movie and it drove me nuts cuz i couldnt really figure out whether it was based on actual events...or what...i googled it trying to find any info on that and ahhh finally!
So it's not real
Updated the post as a sequel is now in the works!
For those wondering if the monster is real or not:
I remember a scene from the movie where they entered a room(inside the tunnel) and on the door of the room it was mentioned 'radioactive' so maybe someone might have been exposed to the radiation and mutated into the monster :D
How do you get down there?, the entry they use is blocked off completely.
I was recently in the exact tunnels. The entrances are located in hyde park. There was noises and my marajuana "mysteriously" dissapeared and i was somehow stoned. I heard the noise before i was stoned.
I have been there many times. Text me if you wish to know the entrances. I know every single one. 0432061379
I had an experience....i don't wanna go into details ...but fuking yes..I heard similar sounds there and I was like...The fucking Film was fucking True..!! I would suggest to refrain from the tunnel..!! Else...might experience something which words can't explain..!
Where are the tunnels
U assholes can't say it's fake because unless u have actually been down there me and a few friends went to explore the tunnels and as we were exploring were actually followed by something not someone but something and one of my friends were attacked receiving multiple cuts to his arm so unless uve been down there u can't say this is fake and several homeless people have gone missing down there without a trace so just shut up already saying this is fake cause it isnt
U assholes can't say it's fake because unless u have actually been down there me and a few friends went to explore the tunnels and as we were exploring were actually followed by something not someone but something and one of my friends were attacked receiving multiple cuts to his arm so unless uve been down there u can't say this is fake and several homeless people have gone missing down there without a trace so just shut up already saying this is fake cause it isnt
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