The next of my Studio Ghibli Artbooks is from the film Porco Rosso, one of Miyazaki's personal favourites and the first Ghibli film rumored to be getting a sequel...

In the same layout as the previous Totoro book, Porco Rosso features interviews, storyboard art, character design and background imagery.

The books are released in Australia by Madman Entertainment, they have the following books available: Ponyo, Howl's Moving Castle, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Spirited Away, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery Service and My Neighbor Totoro. The books are retailing for around $53.95 each and with the exception of Ponyo are all hard cover.

These books are an essential buy for fans of Studio Ghibli films. They offer a rare opportunity to learn more about the people and the creative process behind some of the most influential and fascinating animated films of the last decade! I will be adding a page for each book as I get them!
The is my second book - My first being
My Neighbor Totoro
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